About Far-Flung Lands

Welcome to Far-Flung Lands: Transformational travel for curious families

The aim of my blog is to inspire and inform parents who, like me, view travel as an opportunity for children to acquire skills and knowledge through first-hand experiences. I like to look beyond the traditional family-friendly resort, theme park and ‘fly-and-flop’ beach holiday to far-flung lands where kids can be safely removed from their comfort zones and immersed in cultures significantly different from their own. Why? Because I believe this is how children (and adults!) learn best.

Journey to far-flung lands

To shift mindsets, it helps to put some distance – both mentally and physically – between ourselves and everything we are familiar with in our world. We need to leave our comfort zones and discover what lies over the proverbial rainbow …

Spend time in nature

In today’s fast-paced, device-driven world, we are increasingly disconnecting ourselves from nature as well as each other. As David Attenborough once said, “No one will protect what they don’t care about; and no one will care about what they have never experienced”. If our children are to be the future caretakers of this world, then it’s imperative that their love for nature and wildlife is strong and sincere, and that means getting outdoors and into the wild from an early age!

Let’s get physical!

Getting physically involved in something turns a passive observation into a hands-on experience. It also helps connect you to your surroundings and, much like any mindful exercise, helps you become more present. Remember to push those boundaries and step out of comfort zones; you may be surprised by what your family can accomplish together!

Learn from the locals

Adventure travel is as much about cultural experiences as it is about physical, adrenalin-pumping activities. Talk to locals, discover what they love about their country and gain an insider’s perspective on everything from fashion, food, music and the arts, to environmental issues and politics. As with physical pursuits, cultural adventures should also push personal boundaries and comfort zones.

How can you guarantee a transformational travel experience?

I can’t! And I don’t! A transformational experience isn’t something that can be packaged and sold like a hotel upgrade. An enriching, life-changing experience depends very much on your mindset, how willing you are to learn from your experience and how open you are to change. What I’ve outlined here is simply a family travel philosophy based on research, feedback and personal experience. I also partner with tour operators who share a similar philosophy and passion for experiential and transformational travel.